Cercare i patents: una risorsa free

I patents sono sempre una risorsa difficile da stanare. Un buon punto di accesso da cui partire può essere http://www.freepatentsonline.com/


FreePatentsOnline.com provides fast, free access to all US patents and patent applications, partial European data, free PDF downloading, free account features, and more. With the most powerful patent search engine on the web, and an ever-expanding data collection, FreePatentsOnline is rapidly becoming the premiere way to search patents

Google Health

Google Health
E’ arrivato GoogleHealth, come parte di Google Co-op ( Google Co-op is a community of organizations, businesses, and individuals working together to help improve Google search. The benefit to you as a Google user is new ways to quickly refine your searches to find what you’re looking for more quickly. Check out the Google Co-op directory for a list of providers who have contributed labels and subscribed links that you can add to your Google search results.)

Il tam tam su internet da mesi parlava della nascita di un progetto di Google in campo medico (e ne abbiamo parlato anche noi sul blog)
Il progetto è in fase sperimentale ma di sicuro è da tenere sotto controllo perchè promette interessanti sviluppi

Tra i contributors:

National Library of Medicine

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Health On The Net Foundation
Harvard Medical School
Mayo Clinic
University of California, San Francisco
Kaiser Permanente Continua a leggere